News Journals

Collaboration, connectivity key focus of office technology post WFH

Chief data officers (94%), historically in-office employees (93%) and IT choice makers (93%) imagine that work-from-home (WFH) habits have modified the know-how expectations for an in-office expertise, a Way forward for Know-how Narrative India report by Cisco says.

Top quality collaboration expertise, seamless connectivity, quick broadband web and safe utility connections are among the many high expectations for in-office work now.

Over 80% of respondents said that the flexibility to work offsite as a substitute of coming into the workplace each day instantly impacts their choice to stay to a job and the same share of respondents don’t need to be in workplace by way of your entire week. The highest 3 ways respondents assume their firm’s tradition and administration type will alter for a hybrid workforce in fast future (subsequent 6-12 months) are:

1. Offering flexibility on working offsite vs. within the workplace (51%).

2. Encouraging worker wellness (50%).

3. Managing assembly schedules and workload to forestall burnout (49%).


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