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Not Kid-ding! 200 Goats Break into US Neighborhood as Humans Stay Indoors

Living in quarantine, the residents of San Jose, California did not expect that they would get to see over 200 goats in their neighbourhood, one fine day. so when it happened on Tuesday, the residents were understandably surprised.

One of the residents, Zach Roelands filmed the whole invasion and uploaded it on Twitter. He wrote, “I’m dead. When I got back from the store all the goats had broken through the fence and were recking havoc on our street. This is the craziest thing to happen all quarantine”.

The one-minute-twelve-second video shows the entire tribe steering their way from one street to another as a few human beings, like Zach, try to shoo them away from gorging on their lawns.

Interestingly, a golden retriever was also captured in the footage, running with great urgency in its bid to safeguard the neighbourhood and corner all the herbivores.

The video has gone viral across several platforms with it being viewed more than three million times on Twitter. The post also saw curious netizens blasting comments.

While some posted similar videos where animals were wreaking havoc outside with the humans stuck indoors. Others resorted to wordplay on goats.

Some had pertinent questions regarding the incident. One user asked how many goats actually lived in the area.

To this, Zach answered via a comment that none do. The animals are brought in to clear the weed off the hill behind the neighbourhood once a year. But this time, they broke off their fence and came out.

Another asked if the goats helped the people by eating the grass off their lawns. Zach said, not quite so.