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WATCH: Praying Mantis Demolishing the Brain of a Murder Hornet Has Got Twitter Cheering

Screenshot from video tweeted by @natureismetal.

The video, shared on the microblogging site, shows a praying mantis catching and feeding on a murder hornet. It hunts down its food, holding the deadly stinger at bay and chew it starting from the massive brain.

There has been a growing concern for the increase in the number of murder hornets. After being found in Asia, these creatures are now moving towards the US as well.

Just a day after it was reported how these hornets threaten the environment and human life, a viral video shared on Twitter seems to act as a relief.

The video, shared on the microblogging site, shows a praying mantis catching and feeding on a hornet. It hunts down its food, holding the deadly stinger at bay and chew it starting from the massive brain.

The short clip has become the talk of the town, gathering 4.7 million views in a single day.

Netizens have shared their opinion on the video, calling them a natural predator to these deadly creatures. One user even called it a case of “murder mantis eating a praying hornet”.

However, one user aptly pointed at how these pests still try to sting even after the mantis eats the brain. To this, another user mentions that their Central Nervous System is distributed throughout their body, so they can “function” without their head.

Here are a few other reactions:

However, one user took away all the little happiness by sharing a video of a hornet eating a mantis. Unfortunately, it is much more deadly than the real one. “It doesn’t always go your way…,” the user captioned it.

Murder hornets are considered lethal as they can grow up to two inches, with a stinger long enough to penetrate the usual beekeeper suit. It can kill a human being through its sting and can destroy an entire honeybee hive in a few hours.