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When is Dhumavati Jayanti 2024? Know date, timings, significance, rituals and more

Picture Supply : FILE IMAGE Dhumavati Jayanti 2024: Date, timings, rituals & extra

Dhumavati Jayanti is well known because the day marking the looks of Maa Dhumavati. This occasion takes place on the Ashtami tithi of the Shukla Paksha within the Hindu month of Jyeshtha. Goddess Dhumavati is a manifestation of Maa Durga and is recognised because the seventh kind within the Mahavidya, embodying probably the most wrathful facet of Goddess Shakti. She is also called ‘Jyeshtha Nakshatra’. In 2024, Dhumavati Jayanti shall be noticed on June 14th.

Dhumavati Jayanti 2024: Date and timings

Dhumavati Jayanti 2024 Date: June 14, 2024

Ashtami tithi begins: 09:33 PM on June 13, 2024

Ashtami tithi ends: 12:03 AM on June 15, 2024

Who’s Goddess Dhumavati?

Goddess Dhumavati is depicted as a widow with a pale look, wearing tattered, soiled garments. She rides a horseless chariot, adorned with a flag that bears the picture of a Crow of Demise. Her eyes blaze with a fiery depth, akin to the good rays of the Solar. Emaciated and parched, she exudes an aura of irrationality and intimidation, putting worry into the hearts of her devotees’ enemies, whom she liberates and blesses.

Dhumavati Jayanti 2024: Significance

Dhumavati Jayanti holds nice non secular and non secular significance in Hinduism, as it’s devoted to the worship of Goddess Dhumavati. On this auspicious day, devotees have fun the delivery of Goddess Dhumavati, one of many ten Mahavidyas, with immense pleasure and devotion. Folks provide prayers to Goddess Durga and interact in numerous rituals to honour and please the goddess. Worshipping Goddess Dhumavati is believed to grant siddhis, or non secular powers, and she or he is very revered by sadhus and tantriks.

Dhumavati Jayanti 2024: Rituals

Devotees observe Dhumavati Jayanti with prayers, pujas, and choices. Here is a basic define of the rituals:

  • Get up early and take a holy bathtub.
  • Clear the puja space and create a mandap.
  • Set up an idol or picture of Goddess Dhumavati.
  • Invoke Goddess Dhumavati with mantras.
  • Provide puja objects like flowers, incense, and lamps.
  • Recite Dhumavati Puja Katha (story).
  • Carry out aarti and conclude the puja.

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