Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations are in full swing throughout Mumbai. Including to the festive cheer was none apart from Esha Deol. On Tuesday, the Dhoom star hosted a gathering at her residence for Ganpati darshan. Current on the gathering have been the actress’ household and associates from the business. In a bunch of images shared on Instagram, we are able to see Esha Deol having fun with the festive season totally together with her mother Hema Malini and different associates, considered one of whom was her Chura Liyaa Hai Tumne co-star Zayed Khan. Sharing the photographs, Esha Deol wrote, “Had a beautiful gathering at residence for our Ganpati Bappa with associates & household with a number of modaks, chaat & fun-filled conversations.”
See Esha Deol’s publish under:
Final week, Esha Deol was pictured visiting Mumbai’s well-known Lalbaugcha Raja for the Ganesh Utsav. Ganesh Chaturthi, a ten-day pageant starting on the fourth day of the Hindu lunisolar calendar month “Bhadrapada”, began on September 19 this yr. See her photos from the day right here:
Esha Deol was just lately within the information after she hosted successful bash for her brother Sunny Deol’s movie Gadar 2. On the occasion, Esha alongside together with her youthful sibling Ahana was additionally discovered clicking photos together with her brothers Sunny and Bobby Deol.
That is the image we’re speaking about:
Esha Deol is the elder daughter of Dharmendra and Hema Malini. On the work entrance, Esha Deol made her digital debut with Rudra: The Fringe of Darkness alongside Ajay Devgn. She was final seen within the internet collection Hunter: Tootega Nahi Todega alongside Suniel Shetty.
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