Saif Ali Khan was repeatedly stabbed with a knife by an intruder inside his twelfth flooring residence in upscale Bandra early Thursday in a surprising assault that has raised intriguing questions on safety, motive and celeb life. The attacker’s face has been revealed in CCTV footage, which is now doing the rounds on social media. The person, dressed casually, is seen getting down the home stairs after the assault. The attacker’s identification has been revealed and 15 groups are at the moment on his tail. Within the CCTV footage, the attacker was seen climbing down the steps calmly after stabbing him a number of instances. He’s seen carrying a T-shirt and denims. A pink gamcha (material) was seen wrapped round his neck, which he seemingly used to cowl his face in the course of the assault. Many are stating that the attacker had a sure calmness on his face regardless of beforehand injuring Saif and one other workers member at his Satguru Sharan residence.
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